Monday, December 3, 2007

Toilet thinking

Don't grose out looking at the title (or get excited..if you're the pervy types :p)...

This blog is just dedicated to the act of brainstorming while ridding yourself of bodily wastes. Im surprised i haven't mentioned anything about this before considering the number of times it's happened.

Here I am trying to crack a problem, understand a graph, get to grips with the working of some algorithm/code...and i feel this sudden urge to lose some weight (pun intended)...probably because i ate too much or well...umm...other gastric reasons. And since Im totally "into" what Im doing, I decide to take the book along with me into the shytehouse.

Almost, If not always, it so happens that during the "process" I somehow manage to either crack what I was doing or make some phenomenal breakthrough which helps get rid of doubts/queries in my head.

I dunno how or why...but it happens..a LOT, with me. The only plausible reasoning i can seem to come up with happens to be...throw out the old, make way for the new. Incase you aren't sure what I meant by that, here is a more blunt version: Rid yourself of some sh*t to make way for some brain cells... for me!!


Anonymous said...

in full agreement with you there mith! i somehow always manage to find a solution to all life's problems while sat on the shithole and i bet we're not alone in this, infact i believe the ones in denial are the ones who actually might be doing a lot of 'productive thinking' as opposed to us ploppies who are physically unable to think beyond thier lovely plop kingdom. lol
happy plopping!
plop queen

voodooboy said...

Your comment has been acknowledged :D